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Status and Text Reference Coding

Maintenance Notes

This document has two main functions.  The more important is to record problems and solutions so that anybody maintaining this project will be aware of what has happened so the old problems are not reintroduced.  The other function is to serve as a glorified 'To Do' list.

This document is intended to be used along with the Programer's Guide and the Implementation notes.

General Notes and work items

Idempotence guards and revision check

The header version identifier does not currently include the day of the month.  This reflects the need to the release rate to something people can easily keep up with.

If there is going to be more than one release in a month, there is something seriously wrong somewhere.  Go over the code carefully to make sure it will not happen again.  That should take you into the next month.  If you do really have to make more than one release a month, add a single digit to the end of the identifier.  Once the extra digit has been added, it should be reset to zero whenever the month number changes.

Remember to update this number in both places it occurs.

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